Jumat, 25 Maret 2011

The methods in sociology

     The method is used to facilitate the work we are in executing a job or activity, in order to achieve such goals that we have set and expect. Method at least have some basic characteristics are as follows. 1. There was a problem under study or in closely. 2. There is a hypothesis, yaiyu tentative conclusion that must be proved they were correct through the data. 3. There are proposals on or how the completion of the hypothesis that there are problems.
The methods in sociology 

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     After getting the idea and key points about the scope to do with sociology and other social sciences and theories, needs to be explained in ways sociology study the object of society. For the sake of it, sociology has a way of working or method (method) which is also in use by other sciences. Basically there are two kinds of ways or methods of work, the method of qualitative and quantitative methods.

Qualitative Methods
      `That is the method that gave priority to material that is difficult to be measured by numbers or by other measures that are exact, although the materials contained with the real within the society. In qualitative methods, including methods of historical and comparative method, both are combined into a comparative historical. The method uses analysis of historical events in the past to formulate general principles. A sociologist who want to investigate the consequences of the revolution (in general) will use historical materials to examine the important revolutions that occurred in the past.
Comparative method concerned with comparisons between the various societies and their field-field to obtain the differences and similarities and their causes. The differences and similarities are aiming to get clues about people's behavior in the past and the present, and also about the society-societies that have different levels of civilization or the same.
        Case study methods (case studies) aims to study the deep one of the symptoms manifest in public life. Case studies can be used to analyze a situation, groups, local communities (community), institutions and individuals. Essentially is that the review of a special issue which is the common symptom of other problems can result in public arguments. the tools that are used by methods such as case studies, interviews (interview). Interview technique is often used when needed important data from other societies. Interview techniques can be carried out not composed and arranged. At first, investigators gave an invited talk in person interviews, whereas in the latter, the investigator who led the talks. In use these techniques, investigators must realize that what was raised by the invited to interview, at least not affected by its presence. In technical questions, has been created for questions to be asked. The technique is similar to the schedules, where interviews were conducted through a list of questions that have been prepared in advance.
         In the participant observer technique, investigators participating in the daily life of social groups that were investigated. In this case the investigator will do one's best to tidakmemengaruhi patterns of community life that diselidikiny. Qualitative methods in the German language term may be called as a method based on Verstehen (meaning understanding)

Quantitative Methods
       This method prioritizes information materials with the numbers, so that the symptoms observed can be measured using scales, indexes, tables, and formulas that they use an exact science or mathematics. The methods include the type of quantitative method is a statistical method that aims to examine the symptom-gejalasosial mathematically. Lately inidihasilkan a technique called sociometry who tried to examine quantitatively the community. Sociometri use scales and figures to studying the relationships between people in society. So sociometri is the set of concepts and methods that aim to describe and examine the relationships between people in society as quantitative.
Besides the above methods, other methods of sociology based on penjenisan between inductive method of studying a particular everything to get the rules prevailing in the wider field, and the deductive method that uses the opposite process, ie starting with the rules are considered generally applicable to later studied in special circumstances.
Almost the same, but different in essence is the classification of the methods of sociology into the kind of empirical method that relies on the circumstances that the real rewards of the society, and the type of method that prioritizes rationalistis thinking with logic and common sense to achieve understanding of the problem- kemasyarakatan.metode empirical problem in modern sociology penelitianya realized with the research or the way of studying a problem systematically and intensively to gain more knowledge about the problem tersebut.research can be either basic or applied. Basic research is research that aims to gain more knowledge of science, while applied research aimed at using science in a practical way. Rationalistic method first used many still exist functionalism by scholars of sociology in Europe.
         Finally sociology also often use the method of functionalism. the level can be explained that the method of functionalism aims to investigate usefulness of social institutions and social structures in society. The method is the principal contention that the elements that make up the community has a reciprocal relationship of mutual influence, each having its own function to the community. In the field of anthropology, the method popularized by Malinowski and AR Brnislaw Radcliffe Brown, while sociology scholars who carry out a functional approach to society is, among others Talkott Parsons and Robert K. Merton.
        Sociological methods mentioned above are complementary and sociologists often use more than one method to investigate the object. Except for the methods mentioned above, each of science and sociology also has its own means of equipment, namely the tools called the concept to analyze the problems inherent in lapanganya especially for sociology, namely the public.

There are two methods in sociology:
1. Qualitative: not to be measured by numbers but they are real in society (historical method, comparative)
2. Quantitative: can be measured with numbers, using a scale, index, tables and formulas (statistical methods, sosciometri)
Method other:
1. Deductive: based on things that are general and then drawn to things that are more specific.
2. Inductive: based on things that are special and then taken generalizations.

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